Yo-Kai Watch 2 Psychic Specters, Befriending New Yokai!?

Arriving hot on the tail of the Oni Evolution update for Fleshy Souls and Bony Spirits, Yo-kai Watch 2 Psychic Specters (also known as 真打 / Shinuchi version in Japan) is finally out for North American fans!

Before we jump into Psychic Specters, don’t forget to also check out the video Abdallah made on how to find and befriend Snottle if you haven’t yet!

Psychic Specters Exclusive Yokai

Just as with Bony Spirits and Fleshy Souls, Psychic Specters also has a variety of exclusive yokai you couldn’t get before! Among them are Machonyan (Psychic Specters digital download exclusive), Komajiro S (Jibanyan S and Komasan S can also be obtained when you link with Bony Spirits and Fleshy Souls, fyi!), Moximous N and K, Darkyubi, Illuminoct, all the classic yokai in their “wicked” forms and finally, the Wicked Executives.


If you got the special code that unlocks Machonyan with your digital download version of Psychic Specters, once you have input your code and obtained his bell (just as you did with Robonyan F and Sailornyan in the other two versions) you can then find him waiting to battle you once per day in the Springdale Elementary Gym.

Komajirou S

Komajirou S is located at the end of the wooden dock at Rolling Waves Park, on the beach in Downtown Springdale. If you need more details or help befriending him, check out Abdallah’s video here.

Moximous N & Moximous K

These two yokai are “gender locked” … meaning that if you played the game as Nate, you can meet up with and befriend Moximous N, if you played as Katie, then it’s Moximous K that you’ll meet.

For Moximous N, head to Mystery Way and locate the Gold Gleaming Highway. Check Abdallah’s video for a detailed, point by point walkthrough. The steps for Moximous K are similar, but if you need some visuals head over here.


Darkyubi requires you to have completed  number of key, endgame quests, as well as traveling back in time to the location of Sawayama Castle. See Abdallah’s video for more info.


To meet up with Illuminoct, just as with Darkyubi you need to complete the main storyline quests of Psychi Specters, and then locate and board the “Happy Go Lucky Express” train to GeraGeraLand. You will also need you watch at S rank. Head over to Abdallah’s channel to see his exact location.

Wicked Executives

Last but not least, please check out Abdallah’s in-depth guide on how to obtain ALL of the Wicked Executives in Psychic Specters!

Don’t Forget to Link!

Don’t forget! If you’re the proud owner of all three versions of Yo-kai Watch 2, don’t forget to link them all up to unlock special keys that open up even more gameplay!


Discuss Yo-kai Watch 2 Psychic Specters tips and guides with others @WoY Hangout 

About The Author

Lynn is a rainbow-haired graphic artist, writer, and translator currently living in Colorado (formerly from California). She's also an avid gamer and toy collector. Her Favorite Games include Yo-kai Watch 2: Shinuchi and Yo-kai Watch Busters Gettogumi!

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